Discovering Deskfirst Series – What it Can Do for Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies have specific needs when it comes to online collaboration, in this article, which is part of the Discovering Deskfirst Series, we show and give examples of how marketing agencies benefit from Deskfirst!

Deskfirst Team

March 2, 2023

Marketing agencies have specific needs when it comes to online collaboration, in this article, which is part of the Discovering Deskfirst Series, we show and give examples of how marketing agencies benefit from Deskfirst!

In the previous article in the Discovering Deskfirst series, we shared a real-world use case of a creative studio that uses Deskfirst to solve problems they’ve had with other collaboration and file-sharing platforms; they streamlined and made collaboration with team members and clients easier and faster using the power of the familiar desktop environment, took advantage of the endless customization and branding options, and made work organized for everyone – team members and clients – with the option to create a new web desktop for every purpose.

And in this article, we’ll take a look at an example of a marketing agency, let's call them Bright.

Bright has multiple clients from various industries that require a wide range of services, including copywriting, social media management, and digital marketing campaigns. By utilizing Deskfirst, Bright can optimize its collaboration process, ensuring efficient communication, and project management.

But what specifically does Bright is looking for?

Efficient Collaboration with Clients – Managing each client's assets and explaining to people how to collaborate is a complex task. Bright needs a platform that will make their work process extremely efficient and includes; the ability to organize files to stay in control of their clients' deliverables, and powerful options and settings, all while keeping the interface intuitive for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Deskfirst's intuitive platform checks all these boxes. The platform's interface looks just like a real desktop; it’s straightforward, familiar, and easy to navigate, enabling marketing agencies to organize their files and collaborate with clients easily, without worrying about any technological barriers and ensuring projects go smoothly!

Deskfirst's interface looks and works just like a real desktop!

Customizable Branding for Customer Experience – Every one of Bright’s clients is unique and has specific branding requirements. That’s why Bright needs a platform that will give them customization options that represent both the agency’s brand and the client’s brand. Deskfirst offers the agency the option to customize the web desktop of each client to reflect both brand identities by choosing a background from an integrated Unsplash library, and uploading a logo! By providing personalized web desktops for each client, Bright can showcase its own brand as well as the client’s, and demonstrate their attention to detail which further enhances the agency-client relationship.

Customize every web desktop by choosing a background from the integrated Unsplash library and upload a custom logo!

Effortless Project Management and Separation – Managing a long list of clients' assets and access permissions is a complex task. That’s why Bright needs a platform that will allow them to create hermetic separation between clients so that files and permissions are easily manageable, and there’s never overlap. Deskfirst allows the agency to create individual web desktops for each client, making it easy to manage files and assets and monitor the access permissions of each client and project. This hermetic separation ensures that there is no overlap or confusion between projects, avoiding potential errors, frustration, and access of the wrong people to sensitive assets.

Create an individual web desktop for each client to keep hermetic separation between them!

To summarize, Deskfirst is the best choice for marketing agencies that require effective collaboration and file sharing. Deskfirst's intuitive interface, customizable branding, and hermetic project separation make it an ideal tool for marketing agencies – and for any other business that collaborates and shares files! If you haven’t tried it yet, sign-up for free now!

Claim your web desktop