Optimizing Productivity in Your Twenties

Productivity is something we all collectively struggle with as individuals. Optimizing productivity instead of keeping busy is a difficult task to master. In this blog you will find tips for staying productive and learn how Deskfirst can help - through the lense of a college student.

Gabrielle Spitz

June 7, 2023

Productivity is something we all collectively struggle with as individuals. Optimizing productivity instead of keeping busy is a difficult task to master. In this blog you will find tips for staying productive and learn how Deskfirst can help - through the lense of a college student.

Busy or Productive

Two words that are often interchanged, yet are so different.

"Well, when I stay busy, I feel productive,” a common misconception.

Productivity is a mindset and the act of going about your day efficiently. Busy-ness is simply going through the motions.

Optimize your productivity.

Such a short statement, but so difficult to master. As a college student, I am no where close to an expert, but I’ve found grooves, routines, and things that work. Just remember, productivity is simply a mindset, you just need a little trial and error.

Discovery Stage

Entering a new decade, your twenties, an explosion of opportunity, a stage of discovery, and a period where balance is key. As a student, but someone who has already indulged in the "college experience” for two years now, I find myself in an awkward in-between stage. Still longing for a new and exciting social scene, but slowly integrating myself in the workforce, yet still searching for my passions and strengths. The ultimate stage of discovery, a pattern of ebbs and flows.

It’s the simple things, like trying to master public transportation or budgeting money for groceries when that new shirt at Zara is so tempting. I guess one could call this “adulting.” Productivity starts with prioritizing. Then throw in some organization. This is what I like to call a two step recipe to a productive lifestyle.


Prioritizing what is important - there are so many possibilities and time is of the essence. Deadlines lingering over your head; everyone knows the feeling. Those dinner plans with friends you haven’t seen in a while: a very tempting plan, but part of maturing is prioritizing. Meet that deadline, then reward yourself. Maybe even meet the deadline in the morning, then grab dinner with those friends in the evening: a happy medium. Remember, balance is key.

Refrain from working too hard and start working smart. This is where the ABC Method comes into play. Divide tasks into A - what needs to get accomplished, B - what should get accomplished, and C - what would be nice to get accomplished. Prioritize the As and then slowly move your way down the alphabet.


Organization: in a world where everything lives on our laptop, things get lost, things get messy. This clutter translates to the clutter that pollutes our minds. Organization comes in all shapes and forms. Start small, start simple. Start by organizing your schoolwork. Separate school material from work material. This is where I use Deskfirst. Deskfirst serves as an organization platform for my workspaces. I have an idea; I add a sticky note. Working on a project? I simply place a new folder on my desktop.

Why stare at a dull, muted desktop screen, when I can get the best of both worlds - customizing my workspace, with a practical, yet elevated platform. Flowery and scenic landscapes keep my energy high, optimize my focus, and instantly transmit good vibes through the computer screen. It's just like when you look good, you feel good. Same goes for a desktop - it makes getting work done that much more pleasant. And I can even share it with my colleagues and peers; collaboration taken to a whole new level. I’ve seen such a difference thanks to Deskfirst, so why not share the love.  

All it takes is a minor shift in mindset and few tweaks. Use the resources that are in front of you, the ones that are simple and practical. If you want to do something, put your mind to it - it will never be achievable until you at least try. For me, my twenties is time of growth and change - scary, yet beautiful. Try things, fully experience them, and don’t just stay busy.

Optimize productivity.

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